Impossible Conditions
Writeup by hgarrereyn
- Reverse Engineering
- 30 points
- Let’s make the impossible possible! Let’s make 1=5. impossible.out
Running this binary produces no output and exits immediately. Let's take a look at the disassembly.
First we notice a bunch of suspicious mov
operations that appear to be swapping some char codes around.
Then we see some get_time
methods right before a je
(line 0x401420
) that skips a large chunk of code:
0000000000400e06 push rbp ; DATA XREF=_start+29
0000000000400e07 mov rbp, rsp
0000000000400e0a push r15
0000000000400e0c push r14
0000000000400e0e push r13
0000000000400e10 push r12
0000000000400e12 push rbx
0000000000400e13 sub rsp, 0x1e8
0000000000400e1a mov rax, qword [fs:0x28]
0000000000400e23 mov qword [rbp+var_38], rax
0000000000400e27 xor eax, eax
0000000000400e29 mov byte [m], 0x6d
0000000000400e30 mov byte [n], 0x6e
0000000000400e37 mov byte [z], 0x7a
<many lines omitted>
0000000000401362 mov byte [z], 0x21
0000000000401369 mov byte [n], 0x6e
0000000000401370 mov byte [x], 0x78
0000000000401377 lea rax, qword [rbp+var_1F0]
000000000040137e mov esi, 0x0 ; argument "tzp" for method j_gettimeofday
0000000000401383 mov rdi, rax ; argument "tp" for method j_gettimeofday
0000000000401386 call j_gettimeofday
000000000040138b mov rax, qword [rbp+var_1F0]
0000000000401392 mov qword [rbp+var_1F8], rax
0000000000401399 lea rax, qword [rbp+var_1F8]
00000000004013a0 mov rdi, rax ; argument "clock" for method j_localtime
00000000004013a3 call j_localtime
00000000004013a8 mov rdx, rax
00000000004013ab lea rax, qword [rbp+var_60]
00000000004013af mov rcx, rdx ; argument "timeptr" for method j_strftime
00000000004013b2 mov edx, 0x401a54 ; "%m-%d-%Y\\t%T.", argument "format" for method j_strftime
00000000004013b7 mov esi, 0x1e ; argument "maxsize" for method j_strftime
00000000004013bc mov rdi, rax ; argument "s" for method j_strftime
00000000004013bf call j_strftime
00000000004013c4 lea rax, qword [rbp+var_1FE]
00000000004013cb mov rdi, rax
00000000004013ce call j__ZNSaIcEC1Ev
00000000004013d3 lea rdx, qword [rbp+var_1FE]
00000000004013da lea rcx, qword [rbp+var_60]
00000000004013de lea rax, qword [rbp+var_80]
00000000004013e2 mov rsi, rcx
00000000004013e5 mov rdi, rax
00000000004013e8 call j__ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_
00000000004013ed lea rax, qword [rbp+var_80]
00000000004013f1 mov esi, 0x401a61
00000000004013f6 mov rdi, rax
00000000004013f9 call j__ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE7compareEPKc
00000000004013fe test eax, eax
0000000000401400 sete bl
0000000000401403 lea rax, qword [rbp+var_80]
0000000000401407 mov rdi, rax
000000000040140a call j__ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev
000000000040140f lea rax, qword [rbp+var_1FE]
0000000000401416 mov rdi, rax
0000000000401419 call j__ZNSaIcED1Ev
000000000040141e test bl, bl
0000000000401420 je loc_4017be
0000000000401426 lea rax, qword [rbp+var_1FE]
000000000040142d mov rdi, rax
0000000000401430 call j__ZNSaIcEC1Ev
Using gdb we can break at the jump and see if we take it:
$ gdb -q impossible
Reading symbols from impossible...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) b *0x401420
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401420
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/ubuntu/pactf/impossible
Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000401420 in main ()
(gdb) ni
0x00000000004017be in main ()
Notice that the instruction pointer did indeed jump to 0x4017be
Now, let's use gdb to skip over that je
and continue execution right after it.
Note: be sure to set $rip
not $eip
since this is a 64 bit binary
$ gdb -q impossible
Reading symbols from impossible...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) b *0x401420
Breakpoint 1 at 0x401420
(gdb) r
Starting program: /home/ubuntu/pactf/impossible
Breakpoint 1, 0x0000000000401420 in main ()
(gdb) set $rip=0x401426
(gdb) c
[Inferior 1 (process 1329) exited normally]
Oh look! It printed out something before exiting this time.
That's our flag!
Flag: abcx!ilgdn