WeirderRSA - 175 (Cryptography)

Writeup by pwang00 (Sanguinius)


Another message encrypted with RSA. It looks like some parameters are missing. Can you still decrypt it?



Is there some way to create a multiple of p given the values you have?

Fermat's Little Theorem may be helpful.



Perform a partial key exposure attack on the given parameters


We are given a text file with the following parameters:

e = 65537

n = 211767290324398254371868231687152625271180645754760945403088952020394972457469805823582174761387551992017650132806887143281743839388543576204324782920306260516024555364515883886110655807724459040458316068890447499547881914042520229001396317762404169572753359966034696955079260396682467936073461651616640916909
dp = 10169576291048744120030378521334130877372575619400406464442859732399651284965479823750811638854185900836535026290910663113961810650660236370395359445734425

c = 42601238135749247354464266278794915846396919141313024662374579479712190675096500801203662531952565488623964806890491567595603873371264777262418933107257283084704170577649264745811855833366655322107229755242767948773320530979935167331115009578064779877494691384747024161661024803331738931358534779829183671004

We are given a text file with the following parameters:

e = 65537

n = 211767290324398254371868231687152625271180645754760945403088952020394972457469805823582174761387551992017650132806887143281743839388543576204324782920306260516024555364515883886110655807724459040458316068890447499547881914042520229001396317762404169572753359966034696955079260396682467936073461651616640916909
dp = 10169576291048744120030378521334130877372575619400406464442859732399651284965479823750811638854185900836535026290910663113961810650660236370395359445734425

c = 42601238135749247354464266278794915846396919141313024662374579479712190675096500801203662531952565488623964806890491567595603873371264777262418933107257283084704170577649264745811855833366655322107229755242767948773320530979935167331115009578064779877494691384747024161661024803331738931358534779829183671004

It appears that we are given several parameters for Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) decryption of RSA. RSA-CRT decryption is identical to standard RSA decryption, except that instead of using a single private key d, we use

If used correctly, this allows for speedup when compared to normal RSA decryption, since two smaller modular exponentiations are performed with significantly smaller exponents.

Unfortunately, we are not given . However, since we are given , we are essentially given an entire portion of the private key - effectively compromising the security of the cryptosystem.

Howgrave-Graham showed that as long as we know the lower half of the Least Significant Bits (LSBs) of , and is of size poly(log(N)), we can obtain the factorization of the modulus in polynomial time.

We know from RSA-CRT that

Rearranging the equation: we arrive at

, meaning that evenly divides .

This can be rewritten as:

, where and , since is a multiple of

Solving for , we obtain

Since , it is completely feasible to try every in the range of until we obtain a value of such that , in which case we know that we have obtained the prime factor and thus the factorization of .

I wrote the following python script to perform the task:

import binascii
import string

e = 65537
N = 211767290324398254371868231687152625271180645754760945403088952020394972457469805823582174761387551992017650132806887143281743839388543576204324782920306260516024555364515883886110655807724459040458316068890447499547881914042520229001396317762404169572753359966034696955079260396682467936073461651616640916909
dp = 10169576291048744120030378521334130877372575619400406464442859732399651284965479823750811638854185900836535026290910663113961810650660236370395359445734425

c = 42601238135749247354464266278794915846396919141313024662374579479712190675096500801203662531952565488623964806890491567595603873371264777262418933107257283084704170577649264745811855833366655322107229755242767948773320530979935167331115009578064779877494691384747024161661024803331738931358534779829183671004

def egcd(a, b):
    if a == 0:
        return (b, 0, 1)
        g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
        return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)

def modinv(a, m):
    g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
    if g != 1:
        raise 'Modular inverse does not exist.'
        return x % m

def factorize():
    for k in range(2,e):
        p = (e * dp - 1 + k) // k #Solves for p
        if N % p == 0:
            return p
    return -1

p = factorize()
q = N // p

phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = modinv(e,phi)


Which returns the flag!




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