WeirderRSA - 175 (Cryptography)
Writeup by pwang00 (Sanguinius)
Another message encrypted with RSA. It looks like some parameters are missing. Can you still decrypt it?
Is there some way to create a multiple of p given the values you have?
Fermat's Little Theorem may be helpful.
Perform a partial key exposure attack on the given parameters
We are given a text file with the following parameters:
e = 65537
n = 211767290324398254371868231687152625271180645754760945403088952020394972457469805823582174761387551992017650132806887143281743839388543576204324782920306260516024555364515883886110655807724459040458316068890447499547881914042520229001396317762404169572753359966034696955079260396682467936073461651616640916909
dp = 10169576291048744120030378521334130877372575619400406464442859732399651284965479823750811638854185900836535026290910663113961810650660236370395359445734425
c = 42601238135749247354464266278794915846396919141313024662374579479712190675096500801203662531952565488623964806890491567595603873371264777262418933107257283084704170577649264745811855833366655322107229755242767948773320530979935167331115009578064779877494691384747024161661024803331738931358534779829183671004
We are given a text file with the following parameters:
e = 65537
n = 211767290324398254371868231687152625271180645754760945403088952020394972457469805823582174761387551992017650132806887143281743839388543576204324782920306260516024555364515883886110655807724459040458316068890447499547881914042520229001396317762404169572753359966034696955079260396682467936073461651616640916909
dp = 10169576291048744120030378521334130877372575619400406464442859732399651284965479823750811638854185900836535026290910663113961810650660236370395359445734425
c = 42601238135749247354464266278794915846396919141313024662374579479712190675096500801203662531952565488623964806890491567595603873371264777262418933107257283084704170577649264745811855833366655322107229755242767948773320530979935167331115009578064779877494691384747024161661024803331738931358534779829183671004
It appears that we are given several parameters for Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) decryption of RSA. RSA-CRT decryption is identical to standard RSA decryption, except that instead of using a single private key , we use
If used correctly, this allows for speedup when compared to normal RSA decryption, since two smaller modular exponentiations are performed with significantly smaller exponents.
Unfortunately, we are not given . However, since we are given , we are essentially given an entire portion of the private key - effectively compromising the security of the cryptosystem.
Howgrave-Graham showed that as long as we know the lower half of the Least Significant Bits (LSBs) of , and is of size poly(log(N)), we can obtain the factorization of the modulus in polynomial time.
We know from RSA-CRT that
Rearranging the equation: we arrive at
, meaning that evenly divides .
This can be rewritten as:
, where and , since is a multiple of
Solving for , we obtain
Since , it is completely feasible to try every in the range of until we obtain a value of such that , in which case we know that we have obtained the prime factor and thus the factorization of .
I wrote the following python script to perform the task:
import binascii
import string
e = 65537
N = 211767290324398254371868231687152625271180645754760945403088952020394972457469805823582174761387551992017650132806887143281743839388543576204324782920306260516024555364515883886110655807724459040458316068890447499547881914042520229001396317762404169572753359966034696955079260396682467936073461651616640916909
dp = 10169576291048744120030378521334130877372575619400406464442859732399651284965479823750811638854185900836535026290910663113961810650660236370395359445734425
c = 42601238135749247354464266278794915846396919141313024662374579479712190675096500801203662531952565488623964806890491567595603873371264777262418933107257283084704170577649264745811855833366655322107229755242767948773320530979935167331115009578064779877494691384747024161661024803331738931358534779829183671004
def egcd(a, b):
if a == 0:
return (b, 0, 1)
g, y, x = egcd(b % a, a)
return (g, x - (b // a) * y, y)
def modinv(a, m):
g, x, y = egcd(a, m)
if g != 1:
raise 'Modular inverse does not exist.'
return x % m
def factorize():
for k in range(2,e):
p = (e * dp - 1 + k) // k #Solves for p
if N % p == 0:
return p
return -1
p = factorize()
q = N // p
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
d = modinv(e,phi)
Which returns the flag!